Drake Public Library Friends
Yes and it is a great way to meet other people who love books and are interested in the community and promoting literacy. FDPL meet monthly from January through October on the last Tuesday of the month at the library at 4:00 p.m. for about one hour.
FDPL is a non-profit community service organization made up of citizens who care for the welfare of the library and wish to support it in various ways. FDPL donates all that it raises throughout the year to help promote the library and by purchasing special items that cannot be purchased from the library’s operating budget.
The goal of FDPL is to assist the library in its mission to provide the citizens of Appanoose County timely and wide-ranging library materials, services and programs.
Friends of the Drake Public Library have been granted tax-exempt status as a Public Charity under Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code; therefore contributions to the Friends are tax-deductible within the law.
A large portion of the money raised is through membership dues, sponsorships and donations. Friends hold fund raisers each year.